Tag Archives: vital forex tips

Vital Forex Tips

23 May

Vital Forex tips that you must quickly incorporate into your trading…

Not many traders are fortunate enough to have a friend or relative, who happens to be a successful trader that they can learn from. Most people must rely on reading books, attending trading seminars or taking courses in order to learn the complexities of trading.

If you have never attended a seminar, the difficulties with trying to learn specifics may be lost to you. However, there are some pointers that will make attending a trading seminar much more rewarding for those attending. These points are basic and are pretty easy to act on. When attending a seminar, keep in mind that the purpose of attending is to learn as much as possible and get off to a smooth, quick start in your own trading career.


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The following tips are not in any particular order, and each is equally as important as the rest. Be sure to use as many of these tips as possible to be sure that you get the most from your seminar experience.

1. Use the buddy system

Using the buddy system will increase your understanding of what was discussed. This will not only give you someone to compare notes with, but will also add another participant to the audience. Increasing the audience size is a benefit to everyone that attends since this should increase the number of questions that will be asked and therefore, answered.

2. Use a tape recorder

Not every seminar that you attend will allow tape recorders, so you should ask ahead of time. If it is allowed, be sure to show up early enough to sit close to the front of the room. Having the ability to go back and listen to the recorded session will greatly increase the amount of information that you are able to soak in.

3. Join different break-out sessions

Many seminars are designed to include “break-out” sessions. During these sessions, there may be many different topics discussed at the same time and in different rooms. You should receive an agenda for the seminar in time to plan which of these sessions you will be attending. If you are using a buddy, be sure that you both attend different sessions.

4. Make it a point to meet several new people

Whether you have brought a buddy to the seminar or not, meeting others that are attending is a major advantage to being there. This may not be something that you are very comfortable doing, but once you understand that this is part of what you pay for and part of the benefit of attending a seminar; it should be much easier for you to find a few people to have a conversation with. Exchange numbers with several people during the day. Find out:

a. who they are b. where they are from c. what they do d. why they are attending

Ask if you can call them after the seminar to discuss any questions that either one of you may still have. Make sure that you make note of all of this information. Once you are back home working your way through the system, you will have several people available to you that you can call and discuss the different aspects of trading with.

5. Write down your questions before, during and after the seminar

Before attending the seminar, make a list of areas where you are weak. Come up with several questions for each weakness. The questions should be focused enough to allow the speaker to give you an answer that will help get your skills to the next level.

While you are at the seminar, write down any questions that you come up with. Make sure to ask each question during the final question & answer period if you have not gotten a good answer. After the seminar, writing down any questions that you still may have will give you an excuse to call one of your fellow attendees.

6. Ask about recommended readings

Many people have their favorite publications. These publications can be books that helped get them started, magazines (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) that they read to stay up on the latest trends, or newspapers for more up-to-the-minute news. Knowing which publications have been useful for someone that has been successful will provide you an excellent source of resources that you can get started with immediately.


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