Top Ten Trading Affirmations

23 May

Top Ten Trading Affirmations by Janice Dorn, M.D., Ph.D.

Here are ten of the best affirmations for profitable trading. Please note that all affirmations are stated in the present. No past, no future. Now. When you make these affirmations a regular pattern in your conscious and unconscious thinking, you have maximum impact on your trading profits.


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I am responsible for my every thought, felling and action.

I accept the present as reality and take action accordingly.

I take what the markets give me and am grateful for these gifts.

I am willing to make mistakes, learn from them, forgive myself and move on.

I am flexible and adaptable.

I can easily and truthfully say “I don’t know”

I trust myself to do what is in my best interest.

The Market is my best teacher.

I learn something new everyday.

I am becoming a better trader.


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About the Author

Janice Dorn, M.D. Ph.D. is a trader and trading psychiatrist. She has written extensively on all aspects of trader psychology, longevity and wellness.

Additionally, she coaches her fellow traders. Dr. Dorn also posts at her website:

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